ElitePro Home Inspection Service   

            Complete and Thorough Inspection Everytime!!!                    


ElitePro Home Inspection Service helps individuals make informed buying and /or selling decisions, about possibly the most important transaction ever made in the DFW area. You should feel confident in what you are buying or selling and I am here to help you with that.  I guarantee a more comprehensive and efficient inspection.  That combined with my reporting system and my ability to provide answers, rather than just observations, make my service unchallenged by today's competition.  I go beyond the boundaries of a typical home inspection offering personal standards and ethics that far exceed any regulated "standards of practice" or "by the book" reporting systems.  I will work hard to build lasting relationships with each and every client.

Why Choose ElitePro Home Inspection Service?

Honesty, Integrity and Professionalism are core values at ElitePro Home Inspection Service.


Call or Text 

817.269.4270 - Cell



Texas Real Estate Commission Consumer Protection Notice